
My Cancer Story -- Continues

My original diagnosis of ER/PR positive, Her2 Negative Stage2b - BRCA1+ with 5 positive nodes was in 2014. I had Chemotherapy, 4 AC and 4 Taxol, Bilateral Mastectomy, Oophorectomy, Hysterectomy, Expanders and full reconstruction - along with 35 radiation treatments. I was then declared "Cancer Free" in March 2015.

I was on Letrozole, daily, which I was told I would remain on it for 5 to 10 years.

However, on Groundhog Day 2017, I was re-diagnosed with Stage IV Triple Negative (TNBC) Metastatic Breast Cancer with a breast cancer tumor in my liver. As my first line of treatment, I joined a Clinical Trial - TOPACIO sponsored by Tesaro, which is a combined treatment of Immunotherapy and a Parp Inhibitor. The drugs are Niraparib (Parp) and Pemprolizumab (Immunotherapy). I have been on this trial since March 2017. ... Read More

Monday, October 1, 2018

Pink is not a Cure

My passion project for October Awareness Month 2018 is to educate and motivate, get more than just the "awareness" message.

October 1, 2018

  • Stage IV (also known as Metastatic) has NO CURE
  • MBC (Metastatic Breast Cancer) is cancer that has spread outside the breast to other organs, such as brain, liver, lungs, or brain. These tumors are Breast Cancer that reside in these organs not a different cancer. The cells of the tumors act and look like breast cancer and need to be treated as breast cancer
  • When someone has Breast Cancer with "mets" to their liver or brain - it is NOT brain or liver cancer now - it is still Breast Cancer that has spread. This is also Stage IV.

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